Songs Katia Cardenal of Duo Guardabarranco

Si Buscabas

Si buscabas un cuerpo complaciente
Que soltara tus amarras
Que en tus nudos desnudara
A tu animal mas inocente

Si esperabas un fuego tan ardiente
Que encendiera tus cenizas
Que te hiciera sentir brisa
Donde ya no habia fuente

Si añorabas un corazon de refugio
Donde huir de tanta gente
Que te heria y te queria
Para ser feliz un dia

Si soñabas con buscar la libertad
A traves de otra persona
Que librara a tus palomas
De las ansias de volar
Que luchar en tu trinchera
De traer la primavera
La encontraste

If You Were Looking

If you were looking for a willing body
To loosen your bonds,
That in your knots unties you
To reveal your most innocent animal self

If you hoped for a fire hot enough
To kindle your ashes to flame
To make you feel a breeze
When the source was gone

If you have longed for a heart of refuge
Where you could flee from so many people
Those who hurt you and those who loved you
To be happy one day

If you have dreamt of seeking freedom
Through another person
To liberate your doves
From their yearnings for flight
Who would fight your battle in the trenches
To bring the springtime
You have found it.